How to deal with choice overload

Tue, 08 May, 19:00

București , România

Tue, 08 May, 19:00 București , România

The event is finish.

About event

Too many choices and paralyzing fear of missing out? Would you like to have an evergreen guideline for your decisions? Do you want to live your experiences without the fear of missing out? Are you interested in exploring yourself in a creative and engaging way?

Tuesday, May 8, you will explore the one element that will make you confident in your choices. With the help of therapeutic photography, you will assess your inner values. Value not in the sense of a morally binding concept, but value in the sense of “what it is important for you in life”. Having ...Read more-->

Too many choices and paralyzing fear of missing out? Would you like to have an evergreen guideline for your decisions? Do you want to live your experiences without the fear of missing out? Are you interested in exploring yourself in a creative and engaging way?

Tuesday, May 8, you will explore the one element that will make you confident in your choices. With the help of therapeutic photography, you will assess your inner values. Value not in the sense of a morally binding concept, but value in the sense of “what it is important for you in life”. Having the answer to this question at hand every time you have to make a decision, will give a personal filter and a long-standing guideline through life.

While having fun and disconnecting from the usual worries, you will discover a new way of looking at your choices and a strategy towards finding the answer you need. And most importantly, you will manage your choice with no fears, worries and stress!

By the end of this creative and interactive workshop, you will:
- Get your hands on an element of decision-making that inevitably leads to fulfilling outcomes
- Feel at ease with the choices you’re facing
- Add creativity and intuition to your strategy for making decisions
- Trust yourself and your choices
- See solutions from different perspectives

Your host will be Iulia Sorescu, accredited life coach & trainer. She is passionate about helping others discover their own values and get confidence to follow their dreams. She uses photography as the key element of self-discovery. 

You don't need a camera or photography skills. Just bring your smile and enthusiasm. There are only 10 spots, so sign up now. 

For further details about the workshop check here: or drop an email at 


Ai prea multe optiuni si traiesti constant cu frica ca ratezi experiente palpitante? Ai vrea sa iei decizii cu increderea ca vor avea rezultatele dorite? Vrei sa iti traiesti experientele fara frica ca ratezi alte posibilitati? Ai vrea sa descoperi lucruri noi despre tine, intr-o maniera placuta si creativa?

Marti, 8 Mai, vom explora cu blandete si creativitate valorile (standardele) interioare, folosind puterea imaginilor. Cu ajutorul fotografiei terapeutice, vei descoperi raspunsul la intrebarea "ce este important pentru tine in viata" si de ce ai nevoie pentru a face alegeri fara regrete. Distrandu-te si deconectandu-te de la grijile obisnuite, vei putea sa privesti alegerile pe care le ai de facut printr-o lentila noua, care te va ajuta sa gasesti raspunsurile de care ai nevoie. Si cel mai important, vei invata sa iei decizii fara frica ca ratezi posibilitatea altor experiente.

Ce vei obtine:
- Un instrument de lucru cu deciziile care-ti va asigura rezultatele dorite
- Incredere in alegerile pe care le faci
- Te vei simti in largul tau, atat cu numarul mare de optiuni, cat si cu procesul de luare a deciziilor
- Vei invata sa folosesti intuitia si creativitatea pentru a lua deciziile potrivite pentru tine
- Perspective diferite asupra optiunilor tale

Gazda ta va fi Iulia Sorescu, life coach acreditat si trainer. Iulia este pasionata sa ajute oamenii sa iti descopere valorile interioare si sa aiba incredere sa isi urmeze visurile. Foloseste fotografia terapeutica ca element principal in procesul de descoperie a sinelui.

Nu ai nevoie de camera foto sau de abilitati de fotograf. Adu voie buna si entuziasm! Sunt doar 10 locuri disponibile, asa ca rezerva-ti locul din timp.

Pentru mai multe detalii despre atelier intra pe : sau scrie un email la

Mind Evolution Society | Str. Lunei, Nr.5, București, România


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